Cyberpunk 2077 1.1 Patch Game-Breaking Bug Workaround Detailed

Francesco De Meo
Cyberpunk 2077

The Cyberpunk 2077 1.1 patch that has been released last week introduces a game-breaking bug that prevents story progression. CD Projekt Red confirmed they are currently looking into the issue, and have detailed a potential workaround.

The new game-breaking bug happens in the Down on the Street quest, and prevents a holocall with Takemura that is required to proceed in the quest. You can find the workaround provided by the Cyberpunk 2077 developer below.

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We are currently looking into the issue where the conversation with Takemura may not start during the quest "Down on the Street".

For a potential workaround follow the steps below (note, an earlier gamesave is required):

  1. Load a gamesave before Takemura and V leave Wakako's office.
  2. Finish the conversation with Takemura outside the office right away
  3. Right after the finished conversation and when the quest was updated, skip 23h.
  4. See if the holocall triggers and the dialogue with Takemura starts

The Cyberpunk 2077 1.1 patch is the first major patch released for the game. It introduced stability and performance improvements as well as tons of other fixes.

In this update we focused on various stability improvements, which you can find outlined in the patch notes below. We will continue this work in patch 1.2 and other upcoming updates. At the same time we will keep fixing the bugs you encounter and listening to your feedback on how to improve the overall game experience.

Cyberpunk 2077 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.

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