Make Your Android Device Snap A Quick Picture Anytime Some One Opens It Using The Tasker App

Ali Salman

Privacy and security on our smartphones become an increasing concern as days pass and we see more and more advances in the mobile world. Ever become too paranoid and wanted to keep exact tabs on whoever accessed your device? Worry not anymore, because what we are going to tell you today is to let your phone take a picture of anyone who turns the display on. The image would be saved and you will see your culprit.

If you have important data on your Android device or simply if you don't want anybody messing with your phone then you can customize your android phone security to the next level. Not only you can protect your Android device from intruders, you can also take a picture of the culprit with the location and time that the phone was breached. The location coordinates and time would be saved as the image name. This requires a few steps and you're all set to go.

nexus-5-android-5-0-lollipopBefore you begin 

For this customization to work, you must have Tasker installed on your android device which is available on the Google Play Store for 2.99$. Secondly you must have a smartphone with a front facing Camera.

Lets Begin:

1. Open the Tasker app and go to Tasks Tab. Over here we're creating a variable which will include the device location.

2. You should now create a new task and its name should be concise and unique. Any name you like. Example, %securegps

3. Tap the plus ''+" and add a new action


4. Press Variables and then tap Variable set

-The local variable is to be created to the GPS coordinates, in the Name field. Example, %securegps

-Press the Label icon in the To field and search for Location or you can also put ''%LOC''

5. Press back to save and exit then Press ''+'' again to add a next new Action

Tasker-Intrude-Task-take-photo6. Press Media, then Take Photo

- Also select Front Camera from the Camera options

7. Inside the Filename option, press Labels Icon and select the pre-made location variables.

- It can also be manually set. Example, %securegps

8. Select ''chronological'' in the Naming Sequence option. Date and Time are added here

9. Un-check the ''Insert in Gallery'' box and Press the check box to turn ''Discreet'' on. This ensures that the photo app takes the photo in the background

- Resolution can also be changed if you want.

- Turn off Flash Mode, if you see it

10. Press Back to save the settings and press back again to Exit Task

- Now that everything is set in place we need to know when and how to use it

- Now move towards the Profiles Tab as to set the ignition to take a photo

11. Press ''+'' for a new profile and name it, make it unique and precise. Example, SecurityCam

Tasker-Intrude-Profile-Display12. Press Event then Display and select to turn it on and Press Back to Save your Settings and Exit

- You can also check Display unlocked if you know someone who uses your PIN/PATTERN/PASSCODE to access your device

13. In the list of available Tasks, Select the Task of your Security Cam

And here you have it, however you can further make new profiles to set a trigger for when should this complete system be started. For now, all of the pictures taken would be stored in DCIM/TASKFOLDER, so make sure you clean out the necessary pictures when needed. For further customization we will keep you posted.


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