Find Out Who Unfriended You On Facebook With This Sneaky App

Ali Salman

Facebook has been a psychological frenzy for many years now, enabling you to make friends from any corner of the world with minimum effort. The idea jolts down a users extensive affiliation with the giant social platform. Nonetheless, you have a record of who your friends are and what they're up to in the days. Has it ever happened to you that you see your friends' number drop down without any major reason? Well that's because you just got unfriended.

From a vast number of friends on Facebook, it gets difficult to pen down the one who unfriended you over a period of time. While Facebook does not have any intention for now to let you know who befriended you, you can always find out who that person is. It narrows down to a simple application called 'Who Deleted Me?' The application is gaining popularity in the present days as many of us are indulged in curiosity of being deleted. So lets take a look how 'Who Deleted Me?' works.

See Who Doesn't Want To Be Your Friend Any More On Facebook

The application does not behold any serious algorithms or the use of API but deals in a much simpler mechanics. Basically,Who Deleted Me? compares your friends from the first time you log in to the present and if it sees any one missing from the present list, it veils their identity. A simple application with simpler work technique allows users to see who has deleted them on the social networking giant, Facebook.

The Who Deleted Me? application is a diversified product of coding which is available on iOS, Android as well as holds an extension for the Chrome Web Browser. If you're the kind of person who dives in to thoughts about being deleted but never seems to know who that person is, Who Deleted Me? is just for you. The application is a free download for all platforms. However, the reason for unfriended lies with your friend, but you can veil the person behind the action.

There were several apps previously that devoured for the same purpose, to let you know who unfriended you on Facebook and who unfollowed you on Twitter. But coming from a different developer, the synergy lights up again. The Who Deleted Me? App is absolutely free, so download and install your copy from the aforementioned platforms. Let us know in the comments if this application worked for you.

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