Facebook Reactions Are Now Live Across The Globe

Ali Salman

If you think Facebook does not seem interesting anymore, your perception is about to change. Facebook has integrated a new feature that lets you be more expressive. Although just an extension to an existing tool, Facebook, today, is rolling out its 'Reactions' all over the world.  Facebook Reactions enable a user to express themselves using five additional emojis. Since you're already familiar with the ''like'' button, say hi to ''haha,'' ''love,'' ''sad,'' ''wow,'' and ''angry''.

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The Like Button Has New Expressive Alternatives

If you remember, Mark Zuckerberg had been asked about additional expressive buttons, like the 'dislike' button. The company did not want its social media platform to act as a polling station, so the idea was ditched promising something better. Tom Alison, director of enginnering for News Feed said,

"Everyone's had one of these posts in News Feed where they're like, I want to respond in some way, but 'like' doesn't feel appropriate at all,"

Although not exactly a dislike button, Facebook has bestowed users with five different emojis to express themselves. Since not every post deserves a like, users can now use one of the emojis to express what they really feel about the content shared.

Facebook said that the tests conducted in Spain and Ireland have revealed a positive response from users. Today, the company is rolling out the update on iOS, Android and the web. The specific Facebook Reactions were chosen by the company keeping in view the most common stickers posted and the one word comments that users usually make. Facebook regards it as a 'big change' and the company has thoroughly tested the feature for more than a year.

Facebook Reactions

If you want to add Facebook Reactions as part of your expressive behavior, simply tap and hold on the 'Like' button on your smartphone. You will see a new panel, carrying five emojis, Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry that you can choose from. On the web, all you have to do is hover over the 'like' button and the same emojis will be available to you.

Just so you know, Facebook Reaction will be available for both personal as well as individual pages. This could open a new dimension of data collection for different businesses. However, according to Facebook, the company is said to keep a keen eye for those who misuse them. Nonetheless, it's good to see how the like button has a few new alternatives.

This is it for now, folks. How did you like Facebook Reactions? Do you think you will use them? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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