Chrono Trigger Steam First Update Introduces “Original” Graphics Setting And More

Francesco De Meo
Chrono Trigger

The Steam port of the classic JRPG Chrono Trigger received its first update, which finally brings the port closer to the original SNES release.

The new update introduces a new graphics setting which changes character sprites and backgrounds to be closer to the original release. The font has also been updated, and a few other tweaks introduced.

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Character sprites and background graphics adjusted to be more in-line with the original style of CHRONO TRIGGER. This can be selected from the menu as “Original” graphics, and is the new default selection.

The font has been updated to give the game a more classic look.

Text which did not match the game experience on PC has been revised, and a large number of other text issues have been corrected.

Fixed the way the word “TRIGGER” is displayed as it floats in on the title screen.

Adjusted the order of the demo video and animated opening sequence from the title screen to be more in-line with previous versions of the game.

The background gradient of each text window has been adjusted to make it darker towards the bottom.

Square Enix also confirmed some of the tweaks that will be coming to the game in the near future, such as UI tweaks.

The UI will be adjusted to optimize PC play (using either a controller or keyboard)

An option will be added to select between a UI optimised for controller/keyboard and one optimised for mouse/tablets.

Chrono Trigger is now available on Steam. The game is also available on a variety of other formats.

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